WDB follows the same rating system as Goodreads and Amazon, with 1 being low and 5 being the best thing that was ever written.
Did not finish.
1 star
I just managed to finish this book. It might as well be a DNF, but I pushed through anyway. Though, if you’re looking at my Goodreads account, anything marked as 1 star is most likely a DNF.
2 stars
This book was meh. It wasn’t great, but there was at least something that held my attention. I won’t read it again.
3 stars
This book held my attention and I enjoyed it. I might recommend it to select people. There may be parts that I didn’t like, but not enough to stop me. I will probably go back and reread this book.
4 stars
This book was great! It completely held my attention and was a fantastic read. Go out and read it so you can enjoy it just as much as I did! There was one minor, minor thing to not make it perfect. I will definitely reread this book.
5 stars
Holy cow I loved this book so much! This was my jam! My catnip! It was amazing! I couldn’t put it down! Read this book immediately so we can squee about it together! I will keep this book forever!
Spice Rating
WDB also rates the spiciness of each book to help readers find novels that match their preferences. Spice is subjective. What one person may find wildly erotic, another person may only find mildly titillating. Something may be arousing to someone, while giving another person the ick. Based on this, I like to rate books based on this scale.